"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" Ephesians 3:20

Saturday, May 26, 2012

one month :)

Naomi has been home for one month today.  It still seems a bit surreal to have her.  It has been quite the challenge settling in.  Coming home right at the end of school made things a little crazy for a few weeks.  We are looking forward to no alarm clocks, nowhere to be, and some sweet summertime fun soon. 

We, once again, want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you reading this that helped in some way to bring our daughter home.  We honestly could not have done it without you.  To those of you who bought t-shirts, bought coffee, sponsored puzzle pieces, brought Naomi gifts, brought food, made casseroles to stock our freezer, sent encouraging messages, and mostly prayed us through this past year.... THANK YOU.  I cannot hold back the tears thinking of each of you. God has proved Himself faithful through HIS faithful... you.

We dedicated Naomi to the Lord on Mother's Day.  It was just about the best Mother's Day I've ever had.

I feel so unworthy to be blessed with such amazing kids!  My cup truly runneth over :)

Our sweet Jeb graduated Day School this month. He will begin Kindergarten in August. 

Kevin & I celebrated 15 years of marriage this month. Seems like yesterday... :)

These 2 pics were taken at the baseball field.  We've spent a lot of time there this month also...

She is quite the outdoors girl too... as long as there are no animals around :)

In one month Naomi has really begun to understand that we are her family.  You can see it in her eyes... you can tell when Kevin goes to work & comes home...and when the boys come home from school... even when she notices them on the ball field... She knows... She gets it.  She spent the first four years of her life without any concept of what a family is, but in just  
one month through God's amazing grace...
 Naomi knows she has a FAMILY. 
Praise His Holy Name!

Monday, May 7, 2012

one week :)

Naomi has been home one week!  Here are some things we know about her:
  • She is very loud :)
  • She loves to be held
  • She is B-U-S-Y!
  • She is very afraid of animals (our dog in particular)
  • She is extremely girlie :).... Loves purses, nail polish, lip gloss, & shoes
  • She LOVES babies :)
  • She loves water..... bath, pool, etc
  • She seems to favor blondes when we have visitors??
  • She loves peanuts (gets giddy even:), fruit, and meat
  • She is extremely hot natured.... She sweats sitting still in our air conditioned house
  • She is so much smarter than I ever dreamed! She knows some sign language & understands almost everything we say.
  • She is SO loving!! She gives lots of hugs & kisses!
  • And... she loves her MAMA :)
She has brought lots of life into our home.  It's a very surreal feeling to have her here after this very long year.  I wish I could say this week has been a breeze, but we all know real life in NOT.  We have had our challenges.  The boys are working on make-up work from school.  We have had lots of obligations to keep. We have had lots of visitors.  And while Naomi, for the most part, has taken it in stride, we are all pretty tired.  We have had meals brought to us all week & I honestly don't know how we would've made it without them.  They have been truly a God-send. (We LOVE our church family). Our brains don't seem to be functioning correctly (lol)..... They say that it is the jet lag.  We forgot Jeb at Dayschool one day..... And I have forgotten a number of other things this week.  Oh well, thank goodness for grace :) 

We went on Jeb's last Dayschool field trip :( ....  Naomi played like she was one of the group! :)

They played themselves out with our sweet neighbor Lilly! :)

She loved playing with friends visiting...

Our sweet Sunday School class had her a welcome home party :)
It was like Christmas!!

It took about an hour, but then she was all warmed up!

Our class got her this precious bike :))  Miles wants to ride too!

She can drink out of a big cup pretty good...

She got quite the loot :)

Then more visitors...

Aunt Lisa

And Mamaw :)

Then our first trip to church! She did great:)  Even played in the nursery WITHOUT crying a bit!

 Then our first swim at Nana's :)

Thank you Lord for such a great week!

"I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" Philippians 1:6