We are truly overwhelmed with gratitude... It's unlike anything we've ever experienced. Faith & Obedience truly are the ABUNDANT life. Jesus came so that we may have life, AND that we might have it more ABUNDANTLY..... John 10:10. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be right now than right in the center of His will...... What about you?
Naomi warmed up to everyone so quickly :)
Miles snuck his kiss in!! :)
LOVED seeing all the black China t-shirts!
This was on our freezer when we got home ;)
Naomi started playing away!
All the boys had signs :)
My sweet Mama had this made for our front door :)
Our first day home was wonderful & restful.
We all stayed up till after midnight, and we all slept till nearly noon...
Naomi enjoyed playing with her cousins all day :)
Her cousin Claire... her new BFF :)
I love this gloved hand on her hip & 2 purses on the other arm :))
My BFF Christy brought us a delicious home-cooked meal. It has been SO long... We were all in heaven :)
Naomi loves the trampoline!
And loves her neighbors already :) (which are mostly boys:)